Mindo Orchids & Birdwatching within Cloud Forest – Alambi



Discover Hidden Treasures: Alambi Reserve & Mindo

Discover the wonders of Alambi Reserve and Mindo. At Alambi, explore diverse bird species, butterflies, and orchids. Visit the iconic Middle of the World equatorial line. In Mindo, enjoy rich biodiversity, a butterfly farm, and free time to explore the town’s natural beauty. An unforgettable adventure awaits!

Tourist in Mindo - kayaking


Quito – Alambi - Mindo


Departing from the Northwest of Quito, about 2:30 hours away, we can find a natural treasure. Along the way, we’ll witness a portion of the rich biodiversity nestled just 52 miles (83.69 km) from Quito. The road promises diverse landscapes featuring various vegetation and animal species. 

Our first stop is the Alambi Reserve, an exquisite, unspoiled, and serene haven housing a variety of birds, butterflies, and flora, including orchids and bromeliads. Describing itself as a place where “the forest and its conservation is the heart of what Alambi is all about”, the reserve is committed to preserving the beautiful cloud forest in Ecuador’s northwest for generations through ecotourism.


Our journey then leads us to Mindo, a renowned hub for birdwatchers and adventurers. Situated in the “Andes Chocó” corridor, this small town is part of an extensive area known for its impressive biodiversity. 

Once in Mindo, we’ll explore a butterfly farm, delving into their life cycle and discovering fascinating facts about their feeding habits and natural contributions. You could explore a variety of activities by yourself. One of the best is a chocolate tour (you could pay for it directly).

Middle of the world - Quito
Bird watching - Mindo

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What to take on the trip


  • Passport and Travel Documents
  • Cash in US Dollars and bring credit or debit cards
  • Backpack
  • Water Bottle
  • Camera
  • Binoculars for Birdwatching
  • Snacks and Light Meals
    Bird watching Mindo - Men

         What to Wear?

    • Comfortable Hiking Shoes
    • Lightweight, Breathable Clothing
    • Waterproof Jacket
    • Hat and Sunglasses
    • Insect Repellent
    • Layered Clothing for Temperature Changes

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