Genovesa Island | Go Galapagos

Genovesa Island

AM El Barranco (Genovesa Island) Be marveled at the variety of sea life that uses the crevices of the lava cliffs for shelter. Red-billed Tropic birds fly overhead, and a small colony of fur seals may be found near the landing site. You will be dropped off at a steep stairway that begins on rocks […]

Prince Phillips in the Galapagos Islands


El Barranco (Genovesa Island) Be marveled at the variety of sea life that uses the crevices of the lava cliffs for shelter. Red-billed Tropic birds fly overhead, and a small colony of fur seals may be found near the landing site. You will be dropped off at a steep stairway that begins on rocks at the foot of a path that leads through a seabird colony entire of Nazca and Red-footed Boobies.


Darwin Bay (Genovesa Island) From within the flooded caldera of Tower Island, we set foot onto a sandy beach to be greeted by swallow-tailed gulls, often said to be the most beautiful gull in the world. On the trail, we can see nesting red-footed boobies and great frigate birds.

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