Adventure | Go Galapagos

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An Adventure Seeker’s Guide to Touring the Galapagos


[:en]What do you think about when someone brings up the Galapagos Islands? Do you think about Darwin, science, research and a unique location that’s home to strange and mysterious animals? Probably so—and that’s because although most people know touring the Galapagos Islands provides a once-in-a-lifetime experience, they probably don’t associate that experience with adventure. Adventure is often connected with travel experiences like diving the Great Barrier Reef, or trekking the Himalayas. However, according to one of Merriam-Webster’s definitions, adventure is simply “an exciting and remarkable experience,” which is something the Galapagos Islands easily provides its visitors and more.[:es]¿Qué piensas cuando alguien saca el tema de las Islas Galápagos? ¿Piensas en Darwin, en la ciencia y la investigación, y en un lugar único donde viven animales extraños y misteriosos? Aunque la mayoría de la gente sabe que viajar a las Islas Galápagos es una experiencia única en la vida, probablemente no asocian esa experiencia con la aventura. La aventura a menudo está conectada con experiencias de viaje como el buceo en la Gran Barrera de Coral o hacer trekking en el Himalaya. Sin embargo, según una de las definiciones del Diccionario de María Moliner, la aventura es simplemente un "suceso extraordinario que le ocurre a alguien", lo cual es algo que las Islas Galápagos fácilmente ofrecen a sus visitantes y más.[:]

6 Tips for Finding the Best Hiking Trails in The Galapagos Islands


The Galapagos Islands include 20 different landmasses and cover 17,000 square miles. This group of 13 large and 7 smaller but remarkable islands is off the coast of Ecuador and offers those interested in the natural world an amazing opportunity to experience and learn more about our world.    While there are many places you […]

Are there really penguins in the Galapagos Islands?


Penguins in the Galapagos? Don’t they belong in cold weather, in the north and south poles? How can this...

Darwin’s natural monument broke into two… pillars


After Charles Darwin made the Galapagos Islands world famous (with his studies of the theory of evolution and natural...

Paradise is filled with sharks, and you’ll love them


According to UNESCO, the Galapagos Islands are known as the unique ‘living museum and showcase of evolution’

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