Bartolome & Santiago | Go Galapagos

Bartolome & Santiago

AM Bartolome Island Considered the most iconic landscape of the entire archipelago the view from the top of Bartolome Island, overlooking the famous Pinnacle Rock and the austere Santiago Island, Our subsequent snorkel here might put us face to face with Galapagos penguins, white-tipped reef sharks, and playful sea lions. PM Sullivan Bay (Santiago Island) Visitors […]

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Bartolome Island Considered the most iconic landscape of the entire archipelago the view from the top of Bartolome Island, overlooking the famous Pinnacle Rock and the austere Santiago Island, Our subsequent snorkel here might put us face to face with Galapagos penguins, white-tipped reef sharks, and playful sea lions.


Sullivan Bay (Santiago Island) Visitors are always totally enthralled by the amazing beds of pahoehoe lava from the recent flow on the island. It is a landscape and macro photographer’s dream. As we hike over the lava, we will discuss the importance of pioneering plants such as the tiny Mollugo.

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